Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jasmyn-Fayelani Kamai

This was the coolest photo shoot, shooting with this quiet, shy, beautiful lady! Natural model for sure. She was really fun to work with and throw clothes on. Pictures are for modeling purposes only and to express the creativity of the art seen in her photos.  She did an excellent job and I couldn't have asked for a cuter model to rock the outfits. Ashley had the opportunity to do some shots of Jasmyn as well, again. WONDERFUL work. The first two shots were taken by Ashley.

Photographer-Trish Lea
Makeup Artist & Wardrobe- Ashley Losi


Kawehi AhQuin

We were waiting for this photo shoot for a whole month. We were so excited for the customized wardrobe changes and, well, this photo shoot in general. This is our second time working with the beautiful Kawehi and we ALWAYS enjoy her sweet spirit and laughter. This shoot, I gave my makeup artist the opportunity to shoot a few shots. The first two shots of Kawehi were taken by Ashley. Brilliant Job!!! Thanks again Kawehi and Ashley.

Photographer- Trish Lea
Make Up Artist & Wardrobe- Ashley Losi

Monday, March 11, 2013

Gracie AhQuin

Happy 1 Year Birthday to my niece Gracie, also known as Ho'o. It was such a cold, sunny day to do her photo shoot, but she had her parents and "Cheerios" to keep her warm and happy. I loved watching her parents and her Aunty Ally make her laugh. I should've gotten pictures of them just for fun. This was a fun shoot!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hawaiian Gal- Pat

This was a last minute photo shoot and when I say last minute, it was a driving around, "oh call up mom and see what she's doing," get ready, we're going to do your photo shoot, last minute photo shoot. LOL! If that even made sense?! Anyways, I've always adorned my mom and her hula dancing skills. When she dances, the audience can feel the emotion of the songs shes dancing to. So, we decided to do a photo shoot of her in a "Hawaiian" theme. I can still hear the songs...